Monday, January 4, 2010

French Onion Soup Cabin Style

This is a great recipe that is a variation of a recipe (healtiher) I learned in college given to me my back in the 1970s. It can be halved easily.

5 lbs onions -- mix of sweet and yellow
1/2 cup butter -- you have to use real butter, sorry!
3/4 cup whole wheat flour -- the original recipe used white flour
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp paprika -- you can also use green pepper with a dash of red pepper and cinnamon
1 bay leaf
1 cup red wine
3 quarts low fat organic chicken broth -- the original recipe used canned beef bouillion

Slice onions thinly and saute in butter for 1 1/2 hours. Add the other ingredients excluding the wine and broth. Saute 15 minutes. Add wine and broth. Simmer at least 2 hours. If you can, refrigerate over night but it is actually fine to skip this. Heat soup. Dish into bowls. Add 1 slice French bread (or whole wheat) and 3 oz grated swiss cheese (low fat). Broil until brown. Yum!

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